Thursday, September 19, 2024

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BrandVerity Offers Feedback From Google, Bing On Paid Search Trademark Complaints

TrademarkBrands aiming to protect themselves from trademark infringement in paid search are often met with white noise after they submit complaints to the search engines. They typically aren’t told if any action was taken — and even more frustrating, if no action was taken and/or why.

To help solve this problem, BrandVerity has added a process to its paid search ad monitoring system to give clients direct feedback from Google and the Yahoo Bing Network on trademark violation complaints.

After reporting a violation, BrandVerity clients will be alerted when an infringing ad has been disabled. If an ad is not taken down, the support teams at Google or Bing will respond with an explanation of why the ad is allowed to keep running.

The functionality is live globally with Google and in the US and Canada with the Yahoo Bing network, with plans to expand coverage.

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