Saturday, September 21, 2024

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 19, 2014

scap240pxscap240pxBelow is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • New Google Maps Comes Out Of Preview Today
    Roughly last May at Google’s “I/O” developer conference, the company introduced an updated version of its desktop Maps experience. Since that time, it has been in “preview,” allowing users to go back and forth between the “classic” and new versions. Today, it’s coming out of preview and soon will be the default PC Google Maps […]
  • Google’s Matt Cutts: Backlink Relevancy Is A Big Win In Terms Of Search Quality
    In today’s video from Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam reaffirms the significance of backlinks. The video is in response to the following question: Does the big G have a version of the search engine that totally excludes any backlink relevancy? I’m wondering what search would look like and am curious to try it […]
  • Google Shopping Campaigns Are Now Live — How To Get Started
    Yesterday morning, Google announced the Google Shopping campaign program is now available to all online merchants. Google Shopping campaigns, which have been in beta since October, are a new version of PLAs which change how ads are created. They make creating PLAs more transparent within AdWords and give advertisers more control, allowing them to view more product information with […]
  • Wanted: Session Ideas For SMX Advanced
    We’re looking for great session ideas for SMX Advanced. This time, we’re looking for two types of suggestions: Session ideas for regular SMX sessions. Most sessions at SMX conferences are 60-90 minutes in length, and feature 2 to 4 speakers. We’re not looking for solo presentations; rather, your idea should be a topic where multiple […]
  • Why Duplicate Business Listings Are Like The Walking Dead
    In the Local SEO biz, we spend a lot of time fixing duplicate business listings. Duplicate records of your business appearing throughout the Local Search ecosystem can cause a variety of issues like messing with your Google Local rankings, causing you to lose business, and may even make you feel like you’re experiencing a zombie […]
  • Can Bing Be More Competitive In Search?
    Recently, Nathan Safran wrote a piece titled, “The Bing Dilemma: What To Do With The Little Search Engine That Can’t.” In it, he posits that everything Bing has done in the past to grab market share is not working, partly because people are so used to using Google that any hope of capturing market share […]

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