Friday, September 20, 2024

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, January 31, 2014

scap240pxscap240pxBelow is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Nadella Would Bring Search Cred To Microsoft CEO Role
    Based on several reports is appears very likely that Microsoft will announce that Satya Nadella will be the next CEO. He brings an engineering background to the C suite. He’s also a B-school grad. For the past three years Nadella has run Microsoft’s Server & Tools business. Before that he was in charge of Bing and online advertising. […]
  • What Time Does Super Bowl 2014 Start? Look Up!
    Along with the Super Bowl, there’s another annual big game that happens — sites trying to be number one for “What Times Does The Super Bowl Start?” This year, I want to win by pointing out that no one should click on any of the articles competing. Just look up, searchers — Google already won. […]
  • 4 Content Marketing Strategies That Still Build Links
    Does anybody else hear R.E.M. (video autoplay) playing in their heads every time they open a post about link building? Link building as we knew it is changing drastically; and seriously folks, it’s getting hard to write about. What’s the latest breaking news? Spammy guest posting for links is dead now! No surprise there — […]
  • Bing Ads Editor Update Gives The Lowly “Sync Update” Window Real Functionality
    In the newest update to Bing Ads Editor, the Bing Ads team has given the Sync Results window some useful functionality Like AdWords editor, the new synch window in Bing Ads Editor shows the total number of changes and the number of those that have been successfully downloaded from or posted to the account. A […]
  • Single Page Websites & SEO
    Single page websites are quite popular right now; I see more and more each week on sites like The Latest and Product Hunt. No doubt they look cool when filled with great fonts, graphics and transitions. But can you SEO a single-page site and rank? Google’s Matt Cutts had this to say: (video autoplay) It’s […]
  • Search In Pics: The Simpsons With Google Glass, Oscar Mayer Car At Google & Google Military Truck
    In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Spotted At Google: The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile: Source: Twitter Google Military Truck? Source: Twitter Homer Simpson […]

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