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SearchCap: The Day In Search, November 22, 2013

scap240pxBelow is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Google Shopping Adds New Consumer Features Ahead Of The Holidays
    Google is continuing to tweak the Google Shopping experience ahead of the holidays. With its sights set on Amazon, this week, the search engine announced a new set of features for consumers. Whether searching on a desktop, tablet or smartphone, the product previews stay within the main screen for quick access to detail information. After […]
  • Search In Pics: Duck Duck Go Flags, Swag & Google’s Winter Wonderlab
    In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the Web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google’s Winter Wonderlab: Source: Google+ Glowing Google Book: Source: Google+ Duck Duck Go Flags: Source: Path […]
  • How Paid Search Can Aid Your SEO Efforts
    PPC and SEO have always been complementary marketing channels — but have you been using this combination to its full potential? With keyword data now largely gone and Hummingbird making quality content vital to your SEO strategy, it has never been more important to invest in SEO — but you may not have the time […]
  • Doctor Who Gets A Google Logo & Video Game For Its 50th Birthday
    Google is celebrating the 50th birthday of the BBC’s Doctor Who series early, with a global release of a Doctor Who-themed Google logo and game on its homepage today. The actual anniversary of the show is tomorrow, November 23, but Google has already started rolling out the tribute logo and video game on a number […]
  • 2014 SEO Roadmap: Adopting Semantic Markup
    In Google’s relentless pursuit of organizing the world’s information, the most exciting shift we’ve seen over the last year is about its ability to understand the “meaning” behind content (via the Knowledge Graph) and queries (via its Hummingbird algorithm update). In the past, Google had to rely on the words on the page, matching them […]
  • Hummingbird In The Trenches: A Canary In The Coal Mine
    I’ve been gathering and analyzing reports and in-the-trenches data from in-house marketers about Google’s Hummingbird, and I believe what I am seeing is on par with finding a dead canary in a coal mine. Pardon the morbid analogy, but the writing is on the wall, folks, and it has been for a while. Change is […]

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