Thursday, September 19, 2024

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, November 15, 2013

scap240pxscap240pxBelow is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Report: Search Trends Hint At A Holiday Season Filled With Tech Gadget Gifts
    Analyzing search data for the four weeks leading up to November 9, Experian Marketing Services claims online product searches have been dominated by fitness gadgets, mobile devices and game consoles, giving evidence to a holiday season overrun with tech gifts. Based on search and click trends for the weeks of October 12 through November 9, […]
  • Search In Pics: Yahoo Archery, Google Laser Doors & Google Analytics Scale
    In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the Web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. gFit – The Google Gym: Source: Google+ Google Laser Door Posts: Source: Google+ Google Analytics Hook […]
  • Conversion Metrics Now Available In Google AdWords Bid Simulator
    The AdWords Bid Simulator tool now offers conversion estimates in addition to impressions and clicks to show how bid changes may affect conversion volume and values. For each bid option shown in the simulator, the bid simulator provides the number of conversions — both 1-per click and many-per-click — and conversion values if assigned or […]
  • How To Overcome Your Client’s Expectations Of Impossible Results
    There isn’t much I dislike about Web marketing, but dealing with clients whose expectations don’t align with reality has to top the list. While many might gripe and complain that the client “just doesn’t get it” (often a true statement), the client’s absence of reality often has more to do with the marketing team than […]
  • Uncloaking Keyword-Specific Organic Traffic To Your Site In The Not Provided Era
    Google recently released news that it is now moving to encrypt all organic search activity. This means that analytics programs will no longer be able to report on keyword terms that drive organic traffic from Google, instead noting the data as being “not provided.” This could be devastating to marketing managers and webmasters who rely heavily […]
  • Last Call: Attend SMX Social Media Marketing Conference Next Wednesday In Las Vegas
    Time is running out! SMX Social Media Marketing is next Wednesday and Thursday in Las Vegas. Register now to reserve your spot! Attend SMX Social Media Marketing and you’ll get proven tactics to increase engagement with current followers, introduce your brand to new people, optimize your paid campaigns, boost SERPs and drive sales/conversions. Conference chairs […]
  • MapQuest Aims For Revival With New Mobile App
    Once the leader and innovator in online mapping, MapQuest has fallen pretty far from that perch. While the brand survives and the site is still widely used, it has for several years been overshadowed by rivals including Google and more recently Apple. According to recent comScore data MapQuest’s mobile apps aren’t in the top 15, although […]

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