Saturday, September 21, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, October 18, 2013

scap240pxscap240pxBelow is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Google Expands International Targeting In AdWords
    Google has tweaked how location targeting works for international searches. It’s a change that allows ads to be seen across countries, not just within countries, when the search query has local intent. According to today’s announcement, advertisers that use either the “default” or “location of interest” setting will be able to target their ads based […]
  • People+, A People Search Directory App, Coming To Google Glass In 2014
    People+, a people directory and search app that’s available now on iOS, is coming to Google Glass in 2014. The company bills its service as a “Wikipedia about professionals and companies,” and its unreleased Glass app was selected as a finalist this week at the DEMO Fall conference for emerging technology. As the company’s website […]
  • Search In Pics: Matt Cutts Screen, Google+ Cop Car & Google Pipes
    In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the Web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google San Francisco Stairs Slide: Source: Google+ Google+ Police Car: Source: Google+ Pipes at Google’s Office: […]
  • Google Launches Expanded AdWords PLAs On Mobile Devices
    Google rolled out product listing ads (PLAs) on mobile devices in March. Now the company has launched an updated display for PLAs on smartphones that allows more products to be displayed from the search results page. Users can swipe to see more PLAs from their smartphones. Google also enlarged the product images and product titles […]
  • 9 Tips For Getting Free Clicks Through Google News
    “News is anything that’s interesting, that relates to what’s happening in the world, what’s happening in areas of the culture that would be of interest to your audience.” Kurt Loder, American journalist. Consider this: does the above quote describe the content of your website? Does your website publish a continuous flow of fresh content about […]
  • Gathering New Keyword Insights In A (Not Provided) World
    Not Provided is all anyone is talking about these days — with good reason. Holding data hostage and forcing users to buy ads to see it is pretty dirty pool, in my opinion. Most of my clients cannot lay out the money just to grab data, so we’ve had to come up with some creative […]
  • Turn Domain Bias In Search Results To Your Advantage
    There’s been valid debate over how influential keyword and exact match domains are in search engine optimization. Whether or not the latest Google or Bing algorithm takes the words in your domain name into consideration, the reality is that searchers — those consumers actually choosing to click your link — most likely do. The phenomenon […]

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