Friday, September 20, 2024

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, October 14, 2013

scap240pxscap240pxBelow is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Google Images: Search By Image Not Working For Many
    Google’s Search By Image feature is currently not functioning for many searchers. The search by image feature allows a searcher to take an image from their computer or plug in an image source URL into Google Images and Google will return related images, with web pages that may have more information about the image. The […]
  • Eating My (Key)Words: Changing The Way We Think About SEO
    I have glimpsed the future of search, and it is not keyword-driven. While I have long been an advocate of using keywords as an indicator of a searcher’s intent, I am about to eat my words. The truth is that search is heading in a direction that most of us could not have foreseen… a […]
  • Google And SEO Communications: Swahili Vs. Latin
    There are many in the SEO community that get very frustrated with Google, and one of the reasons for this is simple: there is a communications gap. This is not a simple case of US English vs. UK English, but more like Swahili vs. Latin. Many publishers — and many who profess to be SEO […]

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