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Confirmed: Google rolling out new curved mobile search results interface

Google Mobile Smartphone Asus Android2 Ss 1920Google Mobile Smartphone Asus Android2 Ss 1920

Kashin /

It appears that Google is now rolling out the new curved mobile design that they have been testing for several months. Many searchers have reported seeing the new design, and several of us at Search Engine Land have replicated it.

The new design started rolling out earlier this morning, and now more are seeing it live.

This would be the first major redesign to the Google search results since 2013 saw the unified card design released.

We reached out to Google for confirmation of the rollout but had not heard back from them as of this writing. This story will be updated with a statement from Google as soon as we have one. Google is known for conducting many user interface tests, but this design appears to be a full rollout.

Update: November 3
A Google spokesperson has confirmed this update:

Here is a screen shot of the new curved look for the Google mobile search results from my iPhone:

Google Mobile Design CurvesGoogle Mobile Design Curves

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