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9 reasons why search marketers have been at the cutting edge of marketing technology

Scott Brinker Smx East 2017Scott Brinker Smx East 2017

As marketing functions increasingly rely on technology, Scott Brinker, aka “Chief MarTech,” laid out nine reason he believes search marketers are poised for leadership as marketing becomes increasingly technology-dependent in a keynote presentation at SMX East in New York City last week.

Search marketers, of course, employ any number of tools and technologies in their work, and the industry has spawned hundreds of products and solutions. Brinker outlined how the work of search marketers touches 22 of the 49 categories he has identified in the Marketing Technology Landscape infographic he has been compiling to track the growth in marketing technology companies.

Martech Landscape Search MarketersMartech Landscape Search Marketers

Search marketers engage with the marketing technology categories circled in blue.

Brinker, program chair for the MarTech Conference series and editor VP platform ecosystem at HubSpot, highlighted the core functions of search marketing — testing, analysis, conversion optimization and so on — that encompass the overlap of marketing, technology and management.
9 Reasons Search Marketers Martech Scott Brinker9 Reasons Search Marketers Martech Scott Brinker

With more and more companies creating the role of chief marketing technologist, Brinker says search marketers have long been on the cutting edge of this growing trend.

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