Thursday, September 19, 2024

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AdWords Top Movers Report Update: Now With Conversion Stats, Device-Level Segmentation

The Top Movers report debuted in AdWords last June to help advertisers quickly see performance changes in their accounts. It was helpful, but somewhat rudimentary with reporting on just clicks and cost changes. Today, Google announced that conversion data will begin appearing in the Top Movers report as well as device-specific insights.

Note that the report shown on the Home screen still includes just Cost and Clicks data, you’ll need to click on the “see full report” link or navigate to the Dimensions tab on the Campaigns screen to see the conversion data.

Google AdWrods Top Movers Report With Conversion DataGoogle AdWrods Top Movers Report With Conversion Data

The Top Mover detail below is now sorted by Top Increases for Conversions and Top Decreases for Conversions. This performance data is segmented by device/network level, including by Search Partners, as shown in the example above. However, unlike the example below, the live examples I’ve looked at so far have included only one device-level segment per ad group, which is much more helpful. This type of segmentation will help advertisers quickly see if there are troubled areas at the device-level even if conversion stats overall look stable.

The conversion data will be a big help for managing performance campaigns. However, the ability to see changes in conversion rate and cost per conversion data would be especially helpful for understanding the impact on ROI.

The change has rolled out globally, so if you’re tracking conversions you should see this update in your account now.



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