Friday, September 20, 2024

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Bing(ing) It On At A Seattle Seahawks Football Game [Photos]

New Bing logoNew Bing logoI’m not sure why I was surprised to see a small army of uniformed Bing reps standing around a big booth before the Seattle Seahawks game this past Sunday at CenturyLink Field in Seattle. After all, Bing has been sponsoring the Seahawks for a few years now. The players wear Bing logos on their practice uniforms. Bing signs are visible in the stadium. There’s a Bing logo on the microphone when players and coaches do their pre-scheduled media interviews.

In other words, Bing has a pretty deep relationship going on with the hometown NFL team.

My son and I were walking through “Touchdown City” — that’s the name of the official pre-game party area in the convention center that’s attached to the stadium — when we saw the Bing booth. One of the Bingers approached us as we approached them and asked if we’d ever done the Bing It On challenge. I said I’d done it several times (I didn’t say anything about my day job here at Search Engine Land), but my son had never done it.

So, while he stood at one of the laptops, I shot a handful of photos of the scene. As you can see below, it was crowded and Bing had plenty of interested searchers taking the head-to-head test of its search results compared to Google’s.






For what it’s worth, Google won my son’s Bing It On test. He picked its search results on three of the five searches, gave Bing the nod once and voted the results even once, too.

The Bing rep who watched him do the challenge had to admit that, yes, “Sometimes Google’s results beat ours, but we’re always improving.”

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