Friday, September 20, 2024

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Google says helpful content should have good page experience

Google now says that good page experience is an important element for creating, what Google defines as, helpful content.

Google added a new section for providing a great page experience to its guidance around how to create helpful content, Google explained. Google also revised its help page about page experience to add more details about helpful content.

To be clear, good page experience is not a requirement for content to be considered helpful, it is just one aspect that Google factors in.

Page experience section in helpful content. Google added the following section to the helpful content guidance here:

“In turn, that section links over to our revised Understanding page experience in Google Search results help page, which explains the role of page experience in more detail, along with self-assessment questions and resources,” Google Search Liaison Danny Sullivan wrote. “That page brings together in one place some key aspects of page experience to consider, aspects that are unchanged from what we’ve talked about in recent years.”

Search Console report changes. Meanwhile, Google also will remove the page experience report from Search Console while keeping the Core Web Citals and HTTPS reports. It also is dropping the mobile-friendly testing tool. See Google Search Console page experience report going away for more on those changes.

More FAQs. Google also posted these FAQs on this change, which mentioned the site-wide versus page-specific evaluations when it comes to measuring page experience:

Why we care. Reviewing these changes and understanding where Google wants your content and page experience to meet is important. The more you understand what it means to create helpful content, the better chances you have to rank well in Google Search.

Removing some of the Google Search Console tools may not be something any of us are looking forward to, but we always learn to adapt.

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