Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Live @ SMX West: Long-Term SEO & How To Win For Years, Not Days

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The life of an SEO can be challenging. Just when you think you’ve got things figured out, have mastered the nuances of hundreds of ranking signals and have perfected your own tactics and techniques to achieve great search engine visibility, someone like Google’s Matt Cutts will write a blog post condemning a widely-used, and up until now, seemingly acceptable SEO practice. And if Google’s most visible spokesperson condemns a practice, you can be sure any website relying on it is headed for serious trouble.

So how do you avoid Google’s wrath, and make sure you’re not playing with fire with trendy tactics, but rather using fundamentally solid SEO techniques that will last for the long-term?

At the Long-Term SEO: How To Win For Years, Not Days session at SMX West, you’ll hear our expert speakers discussing the best practices for everything SEO, focusing on familiar things like links, structured data and authorship, as well as topics more open to different types of interpretation, such as positive social sharing tactics, what really makes quality content and more. You’ll come away from the session with the confidence you need to make serious SEO investments that will continue to pay dividends for the long-term.

Long-Term SEO: How To Win For Years, Not Days is one of more than 40 sessions at SMX West, March 11-13 in San Jose, the three-day conference devoted to all aspects of search, online and social media marketing. Check out the agenda for SMX West and register now!

Looking forward to seeing you in San Jose!

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