Friday, September 20, 2024

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Live @ SMX West: Meet The Search Engines

smx west14_spotlightsmx west14_spotlightBoth Google and Bing are generous when it comes to offering advice to SEOs and search marketers. Google’s Webmaster Tools section offers tons of helpful information, such as how to create Google-friendly sites, how to utilize Rich snippets (microdata, microformats, and RDFa) – even a Webmaster Academy.

Microsoft also offers a plethora of great advice in their Bing Webmaster Tools toolbox, including Webmaster Help & How-To Guides, a Webmaster Discussion Forum and more.

But sometimes you just want to go face-to-face with one of the key people who run search at the companies, to ask them a question and get a direct, personal response.

You’ll be able to do exactly that during the Meet The Search Engines session at SMX West. Both Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam team, and Duane Forrester, Sr. Product Manager at Bing will be on hand to answer your questions in this PowerPoint-free session. Both widely regarded as the de-facto emmissaries for their respective search engines, they’ll take on your toughest questions – and will have notebooks in hand when listening to requests for features or changes.

Meet The Search Engines is one of more than 60 sessions at SMX West, March 11-13 in San Jose, the three-day conference devoted to all aspects of search, online and social media marketing. Check out the agenda for SMX West and register now!

Looking forward to seeing you in San Jose!

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