Friday, December 27, 2024

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Related Posts Says Google's Algorithm Change Puts Americans At Risk

google-mugshot-criminal-featuredgoogle-mugshot-criminal-featuredAbout a week ago, Google released an algorithm update we named the Google’s MugShot Algorithm. This update specifically targeted sites ranking well for names and displayed their arrest photo, name and details.

The new algorithm update impacted sites such as Mugshots, BustedMugshots and JustMugshots. responded to Google’s update with a blog post calling Google’s change a security risk to Americans.

Mugshots said, that “Google’s decision puts every person potentially at risk who performs a Google search on someone.”

They claim by not showing this arrest data for a Google search on a person’s name, it can potentially put someone in harms way.

I doubt Google will change course with this algorithm change. Google obviously took their time to build this new change and made a conscious, not a quick, decision with this change.

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