Friday, September 20, 2024

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RIP, Ren Warmuz, Founder & CEO Of Trellian

Ren WarmuzRen WarmuzVeterans of the SEO space will know the name Trellian, a long-time SEO tools company. Veterans may also remember at some of the early search conferences often seeing the Warmuz brothers walking around, Ren and David. Sad news today that Ren is no longer with us.

Pierre Zarokian has a nice In Memoriam post about Ren at Search Engine Watch, and Ren’s brother David has a post about his passing from colon cancer a few days ago. Aged 45, Ren leaves behind his wife and two children, ages 6 and 9.

I remember Ren from the times years ago that he was regularly speaking on panels I moderated. He always came across as a smart, thoughtful and kind person — one of those people you looked forward to seeing for a pleasant chat about anything. It’s really sad to hear of his death at so young of an age.

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