Saturday, September 21, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Search Engine Land's Community Corner: Dixon Jones retiring from Majestic, UK Search Awards winners & how to speak at SMX

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This week’s roundup of news, announcements and events happening throughout the search marketing industry includes:

Industry veteran and Majestic SEO CMO Dixon Jones announced he’ll be retiring from Majestic in November 2018, and will move into Global Brand Ambassador role at Majestic until that time. He’s been a key member of the search community since founding the UK’s first search consultancy in 1999, and contributing as a WebmasterWorld forum moderator since 2004. We at Search Engine Land wish Dixon the best and look forward to what’s next for him!

The UK Search Awards were held last week – cheers to all the winners!

We’ve also opened up the session pitch & session ideas forms for our two upcoming Search Marketing Expo events – SMX West and SMX London. Please consider submitting your SMX West (San Jose – March 13-15, 2018) speaking pitch here; and if you have a terrific session idea for SMX London (May 22-23, 2018), please submit that here.

Our own Barry Schwartz continues his “Honor an SEO/SEM” series at his blog, and this weeks’ honored nominees included:

Ammon JohnsAmmon JohnsAmmon Johns: Ammon is an SEO industry veteran – also known to other veterans as Black Knight. Described by Nick Wilsdon as “one the great thinkers in the industry” and as noted by Doc Sheldon (who also nominated him), “he has probably forgotten more than most of us will ever know about SEO.” Read more about Ammon here.

Lisa BaroneLisa BaroneLisa Barone: I recall first meeting Lisa at our inaugural SMX Advanced conference in 2006. A gifted writer, intrepid live blogger, and mentor for so many in our industry, it’s been amazing to see her grow from her role back then at Bruce Clay to become CMO of Overit. She was nominated by Melissa Fach and an anonymous member of our community. Get to know more about Lisa here.

Barry AdamsBarry AdamsBarry Adams: Described by Paul Cawley as having “an insatiable appetite to continually improve,” Barry is also one of the more outspoken members of the SEO community, willing to call it as he sees it where others might pull punches. You can review his full profile here.

Kim Krause BergKim Krause BergKim Krause Berg: One of the first people in our industry to focus on site usability, experience, and how those elements tie into web design and SEO, Kim’s been sharing her expertise with the community for over 2 decades now. Donna Cavalier nominated Kim, and you can learn more about her via the profile here.

Rand FishkinRand FishkinRand Fishkin: “humble, passionate, honest, kind, generous, smart, funny …” these are just a few of the ways the many folks that nominated this industry luminary describe Rand. I for one will always recall the first time I met him (Pubcon 2005) thinking “It’s about time someone threw Anton (Konikoff) some competition in the ‘snappy dresser’ department!” His legacy in our community spans far beyond those bright yellow shoes however, and you can see the accolades and his profile here.

Have some industry or community news you want to share? Drop us a note at [email protected]!

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