Thursday, September 19, 2024

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SearchCap: Bing crypto ads, AdWords scripts & vertical search

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Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Bing is latest to ban cryptocurrency ads
    May 15, 2018 by Ginny Marvin

    The updated financial product and services policy will take effect in June.

  • Pause underperforming ads with this updated AdWords script
    May 15, 2018 by Daniel Gilbert

    If you are running tests on your ads but don’t know how to interpret the results, contributor Daniel Gilbert has an updated AdWords script to help you pick which ads are performing best.

  • Search is more than Google: Mastering vertical search optimization
    May 15, 2018 by Jim Yu

    Vertical search engines, mobile and voice trends seem to be reshaping the search landscape, says contributor Jim Yu. Create a cohesive content strategy across a number of verticals and increase the touch points you have with consumers.

  • Work hard and play hard at SMX Advanced
    May 15, 2018 by Search Engine Land

    By now, you’ve read about the exceptional agenda and the incredible lineup of speakers coming to SMX® Advanced. But there’s another aspect of attending SMX that is just as, if not more, important: Networking. Networking is a cornerstone of the SMX conference experience. At SMX Advanced, we’re thrilled to host you and more than 1,500 […]

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