Sunday, September 22, 2024

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, March 21, 2014

scap240pxscap240pxBelow is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • How To Tell Search Engines What “Entities” Are On Your Web Pages
    Search engines have increasingly been incorporating elements of semantic search to improve some aspect of the search experience — for example, using markup to create enhanced displays in SERPs (as in Google’s rich snippets). Elements of semantic search are now present at almost all stages of the search process, and the Semantic Web has […]
  • AdWords Brings Keyword Bid Simulator Estimates Into Reporting Columns
    With a handy new set of columns, Google is bringing the AdWords bid simulator into fuller view. From the keyword tab, advertisers can now add several columns to their reporting from the new Bid simulator section offered in the Customize Columns menu. A range of bid simulator estimates can then be viewed across multiple keywords, […]
  • Search In Pics: Sergey Brin With Ed Snowden, Google Water Balloon Launcher & More
    In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google’s Sergey Brin With Edward Snowden At TED: Source: Twitter Google Post It Note Logo: Source: […]
  • Can Bounce Exchange Reduce Site Bounce Rate? A Tool Review
    Like many of you, I’m always on the lookout for cool new ways to drive conversions and leads on my site. When it comes to finding genuinely useful software tools to help my business accomplish this, it can be tough — after all, new products launch almost daily, and it’s difficult (not to mention time-consuming) […]
  • Part Two: If Google Was A Guy (Video)
    Earlier this year, we covered two videos portraying what it would be like if Google, the search engine, was an actual real living being. Now, part two of the video from College Humor is out, where it mocks searchers, Google Doodles, Google Glass and even Bing. Note, there is some adult language used in the […]
  • Google Alerts Adds Filters For Regions & Languages
    Google has added two more filter and delivery options to Google Alerts. Google Alerts informs you of updates within Google results via email or RSS feed. The two new filters let you refine those alerts by language or region. You can tell Google you only want alerts for specific keyword phrases within a specific region […]
  • Bing Ads Launches “Bid Landscape”, A Keyword Level Bid Simulator Tool
    Bing Ads is rolling out the new Bid Landscape tool to give advertisers a better sense of what changes they’re likely to see from changing keyword bids. AdWords users will immediately be comfortable using the tool because it so closely resembles the Bid Simulator in that platform — down to the chart icon that appears […]

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