Thursday, September 19, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, January 21, 2014

scap240pxscap240pxBelow is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Will Link Building Soon Be A Thing Of The Past?
    The other day while working on a client proposal, I came to the section about link building and had to pause. While everything we include in a proposal is relevant, strategic, and in my opinion, a good tactic, I wasn’t sure I wanted to position it as link building. As someone who has been building […]
  • Marin: 40 Percent Of Google PLA Clicks To Come From Smartphones By Dec 2014
    By now it’s clear that retailers made record investments in Google product listing ads (PLAs) in Q4 2013, as reports from Covario, RKG and IgnitionOne have each shown. Today, Marin Software released its own findings which reinforce the general consensus that PLA performance this past holiday season will set the trend for 2014. Marin also […]
  • Live @ SMX West: Long-Term SEO & How To Win For Years, Not Days
    The life of an SEO can be challenging. Just when you think you’ve got things figured out, have mastered the nuances of hundreds of ranking signals and have perfected your own tactics and techniques to achieve great search engine visibility, someone like Google’s Matt Cutts will write a blog post condemning a widely-used, and up […]
  • Learn from the Pros: See Who’s Speaking at SMX West and Save $200
    More than 80 of the world’s most knowledgeable internet marketers will present at Search Engine Land’s SMX West conference, March 11-13 in San Jose, CA. You’ll learn what makes them successful, what keeps them up at night, and what to expect from digital marketing in the next year. You’ll hear from: Brand marketers from the […]

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