Thursday, September 19, 2024

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, November 4, 2013

scap240pxscap240pxBelow is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Google AdWords Yellow “Ad” Icon Spotted On Desktop SERPs In UK
    The bold yellow “Ad” icon that started showing up in Google search results on smartphones in September, now appear to be getting a test run in the UK. This weekend, Ashley Williams, SEO Project Lead at Summit Media in the UK, noticed the icon appearing in the SERPs for every query he performed on his […]
  • Nexus 5 First Impressions: A Great, Search-Centric Smartphone
    Google shipped out demo versions of the Nexus 5 late last week. People are still receiving them today. I got one on Friday and have been using it on WiFi ever since. (I haven’t tried it on a wireless network and can’t speak to the LTE experience.) The phone immediately sold out of its initial […]
  • Shakuntala Devi, AKA The “Human Computer,” Honored With Google Logo To Mark Her 84th Birthday
    Quick, without Googling the answer or using a calculator — what is the cube root of 188,132,517? Did you get it 546,372,891? In 1977, Shakuntala Devi was able to solve this problem faster than a computer. The Indian born math prodigy’s astounding capacity to calculate complex numerical expressions in record time won her a spot […]
  • The New Visual Brand Ads: What Google Banners & Bing Hero Ads Mean For Search
    In the past two weeks, both Microsoft and Google began testing display-style ads that appear on search results for select brand queries. Many see the introduction of these ads as a money grab to get brands to pay for traffic they would otherwise get for free, an assault on SEO, and the further “brandification” of […]
  • Bing Really Doesn’t Want You To Search Google
    Go to and search for [google], you may see Bing get a bit upset. In fact, when I search for Google at Bing, I get a big black box in the search box that says, “In blind tests, people preferred Bing to Google for the web’s top searches. See for yourself.” Here is a […]
  • Ingress: Is Google’s AR Game A Stealth Local Data Effort?
    I recently got a new Android phone and found a little card in the box advertising Ingress, the “massively multi-player location-based alternate reality game from Niantic Labs at Google.” Ingress had slipped past my notice despite Greg Sterling’s mention of it nearly a year ago. Yet, here it was, already preloaded as an app in […]
  • Bing Ads Executives Share Plans To Make Bing A Better Ad Platform
    Earlier this year, there were questions about where Bing would stand after CEO Steve Ballmer unveiled Microsoft’s reorganization plan in July. It turns out the move has been a good one for the search engine. Microsoft chose to give Bing an enterprise-wide embrace. The company is now integrating search into nearly every Microsoft device including […]
  • RIP, Ren Warmuz, Founder & CEO Of Trellian
    Veterans of the SEO space will know the name Trellian, a long-time SEO tools company. Veterans may also remember at some of the early search conferences often seeing the Warmuz brothers walking around, Ren and David. Sad news today that Ren is no longer with us. Pierre Zarokian has a nice In Memoriam post about […]

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