Friday, September 20, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, October 11, 2013

scap240pxscap240pxBelow is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Bing Ads Analysis Tools Go Live: Dimensions Tab, Performance Comparison Graph

    Bing Ads launched two very handy tools today that make account analysis from within the web interface a reality. The Dimensions Tab provides a shortcut to performing campaign analysis and includes access the fantastic Distribution graph. If you’re not using the distribution graph already, do yourself a favor and start. The graph is hidden at […]

  • Microsoft Takes Its ‘Bing It On’ Campaign To The UK, Where Google Has Royal Grip On Search

    Hey search engine users in the UK, Microsoft wants a few minutes of your time. The company this week launched its “Bing It On” campaign in the UK, inviting searchers to compare its search results directly against Google’s. Microsoft is challenging Google’s seemingly unassailable status as the king of search there. Google, which has an […]

  • Bing Gets ‘Klout-orship” As Verified Klout Snapshots Now Identify Authors & Content In Bing

    Klout has becoming a much more powerful tool than simply measuring social significance. Bing and Klout have teamed up to form a puesdo-authorship alliance that will appear in the search results pages. A new Klout-verified ‘Snapshot’ will show in Bing along with social icons, Klout scores and even the two most influential public moments from […]

  • Search In Pics: Google Monorail, Android Land & Google’s Patio

    In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the Web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google Monorail: Source: Google+ AndroidLand Grand Opening In India: Source: Google+ Google+ The Three Men Emerge […]

  • Bing SEO Ranking Factors 2013 Study By SearchMetrics

    Searchmetrics has released their SEO ranking factors for Bing, Microsoft’s search engine, today. Similar to their Google ranking factors, Searchmetrics analyzed 10,000 popular keywords and 300,000 websites appearing in the top 30 search results and looked at how various factors correlated with rankings. The top five key findings were: (1) Top brands rank higher on […]

  • Did Hummingbird Eat Link Building?

    Panda squashed bad content. Penguin froze low-quality links. And now, did Hummingbird eat link building? Hummingbird wasn’t just another algorithm update. It was more a re-tooling, behind-the-scenes adjustment to make Google faster and smarter. And it most likely opens the door for a lot more change to come. Let’s take a look at what Hummingbird […]

  • How To Use The Marketing Funnel For SEO & Inbound Marketing

    This month, I’m going to discuss content marketing strategy as it relates to search engine optimization. A lot of businesses get this wrong by focusing too tightly on the sales parts of the marketing funnel. With PPC, Money Buys Placement Before I get into SEO, let’s examine PPC as a contrasting approach. In paid search, […]

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